Samsung 1080P9 1080p Upconverting DVD Player - REVIEW

What do I think about this product, you ask? Well, there are many good sides and features that it gives you. But I don't want to be false and show only it's excellence and divinity :P There are also a few things that may put people off.

Let's begin with the bad sides:

- The old coaxial cable doesn't work (though I've read somewhere that you can connect it using an RF modulator)

- Vacuum fluorescent display is rather unreadable from a distance at day.

- Low res menu screens so it's not THAT pleasurable for my eyes.

- Sometimes the player is loud (as loud as a player can be, that is), but only when loading a disc.

- It's sensitive to heat so careful with that, otherwise the picture may freeze and skip

I can't really think of any other bad stuff. And the five points mentioned above aren't serious issues or something that hinders the player's functionality, aside from the heat sensitivity, but if you take good care of it (e.g. don't cover it with a blanket :P ), everything will be ok.

So, time for the good things about this player:

- It's fast and reliable

- Easy to use and comfortable remote

- Intuitive and simple controls on the front panel (in fact, everything is intuitive :P )

- USB port for .mpg files, pictures and for ripping music from CD's and DVD's

- Another easy-to-do thing: setup

- Films look really colorful and detailed, pleasure to watch them

- And finally, the player itself looks good.

There are a lot of other cool, small features... probably even forgot about some of them, heh :)

But here it is, an honest review of this samsung product. There are better players I think. However, this one being so feature-rich, fast and easy to use (also relatively inexpensive), wins.

Next I'll compare prices from various places and as a final result, present you with the best one to buy.